Best Part: It can send you a text alert within 60 seconds if they suffer an urgent health setback
Here’s a scary fact:
Most abnormal heart events happen overnight, or in the early hours of the morning.
Doctors have known this for years.
And knowing it is one thing… but the truth is, it creates a major problem.
Because this is often when people are alone.
If you suffer an abnormal heart event in the early hours, there’s a good chance you’re either alone, or in a situation where nobody can get to you in time to call 911.
If you have an older relative in your life, or somebody with a health challenge, this is not good news is it?
You worry about them. Obviously. And you can call to check in as much as possible…
… but let’s be honest about it.
You can’t call them every minute of every day.
And the harsh truth is that even if you do check in as often as possible, the worst can and does happen…
… leading to you getting that dreaded phone call from the hospital that none of us wants to get.
Now, imagine if there was a better solution.